The reason why I wanted to do this program is because given the new economy; traditional ways of obtaining success is becoming obsolete. As a person that has been an entrepreneur since the age of 13 and I have been extremely successful in business for over 20 years, I’ve lived it personally so I understand the importance of being your own boss through entrepreneurship, so it’s only fair that I give you the same information that I’ve learned and was given to me along the way. The current methods to reach ultimate financial and social success is now through entrepreneurship and it will be achieved mainly through the next generation of kids, teens and young adults so I’ve created this simple but accurate way of understanding the basics of entrepreneurship terms, business & life principles to allow anyone that listen to this program to create the initial pathway to entrepreneurship, financial & social independence. I hope that you find this tool very useful to accomplish your goals of learning how to control your future. Thank you again and please enjoy!!! - Brian Joubert